
网上数字档案大数据分析中的知识挖掘技术研究 被引量:36

摘要 促进情报和档案信息交流、共享已成为当前开展深度信息服务的发展趋势,网上各类档案大数据信息正成为开发和利用的新型资源。大数据时代的到来,给传统的数据分析技术带来了极大的挑战,归纳、比较在大数据背景下知识挖掘技术的发展趋势和特点,探讨大数据知识挖掘处理中的数据集成、数据存储、数据分析、语义处理与可视化数据挖掘问题,研究深层次知识挖掘的方法和技术,结合档案网站知识服务功能研究,为开展网上数字档案大数据的分析挖掘提供了启示与参考。 Information exchange and sharing of information and archive has become the ongoing trends in depth information services. All kinds of online data of file are becoming the development and utilization of new resources. Big Data era,it has brought great challenges to the traditional data analysis techniques. It is very important to summarize, compare knowledge in the context of big data mining technology development trends and characteristics. The data mining problems of data processing with knowledge mining,data integration,data storage,data analysis,semantic processing and visualization. Combined with the knowledge to carry out the archives website services research,knowledge mining methods and techniques has been researched. It is to provide inspiration and reference to carry out online digital archive of the analysis of big data mining.
出处 《浙江档案》 北大核心 2013年第10期14-19,共6页 Zhejiang Archives
关键词 大数据 档案信息服务 知识挖掘 信息技术 Big Data Archival Information Services Knowledge Mining IT
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