The emergence of various schools is the most prominent f e a t u r e o f t h e W e s t e r n mythological research in the20th century,which helps to lead the disciplinary integration and construct a new academic paradigm.In the research of civilization origins,Nanno Marinatos’view that there is a symbiotic interaction between the Minoan civilization
The emergence of various schools is the most prominent feature of the Western mythological research in the 20th century, which helps to lead the disciplinary integration and construct a new academic paradigm. In the research of civilization origins, Nanno Marinatos' view that there is a symbiotic interaction between the Minoan civilization and the Mediterranean civilization (given in his book, Minoan Kingship and the Solar Goddess: A Near Eastern Koine), solves in some way the long debates on the origin of the Greek civilization. And the interpreting mode of the interdisciplinary comparison between iconographic patterns initiated by him, undoubtedly plays an essential role in guiding the interdisciplinary interaction.