以 46只公獭兔为研究对象 ,测定去势对其生产性能的影响。结果表明 :去势后平均日增重比对照提高了 2 0 .86%( P<0 .0 0 1 ) ,料重比降低了 2 1 .93%,营养物质消化率、屠宰率及皮肉性能均未发生明显变化 ( P>0 .0 5) ,从肌肉嫩度和皮张面积、厚度以及毛密度测试指标显示 。
Male Rex rabbits were assigned to two groups to determine the effects of castration on performance. The results indicated that the average daily gain of castrated rabbits increased 20.86% (P<0.001). Compared with the control, but feed gain ratio decreased 21.93%. Castration had insignificant effect on nutrient digestibility, dressing percentage, meat and fur qualities.
Ecology of Domestic Animal