
基于预制条码模式的临床实验室信息系统设计与实现 被引量:1

Design and Implementation of Clinical Laboratory Information System Based on Prefabricated Barcode Mode
摘要 临床实验室信息系统(Laboratory Information System,LIS)是医院管理信息系统中的一个重要组成部分。以天津市肿瘤医院临床实验室信息系统的开发与应用为背景,对系统建设进行需求分析制定详细的工作流程,采用UML建立系统用例模型,采用面向对象方法完成系统架构设计,使用Cache作为数据库和开发工具,通过全条码的流程实现与医院HIS系统无缝对接,形成一套功能比较完善的临床实验室信息系统。通过LIS系统建设,最终实现样本管理条码化,设备通讯双向化,检验流程自动化,检验报告无纸化,审核收费并网化,门诊报告取单自助化,实验室管理信息化。 The clinical laboratory information system (Laboratory, Information System LIS) is an important part of hospital management information system. The development and application of this thesis, Tianjin Cancer Hospital Clinical Laboratory Information System (LIS), needs analysis to develop detailed workflow of the system construction, the use of UML to create a system use case model, object-oriented method to complete the system architecture design, use the Caché database and development tools, seamless connection with the hospital HIS system to form a more perfect clinical laboratory information systems through the process of the whole bar code.Through the construction of the LIS system, the final sample management bar code; two-way instrument communication;inspection and process automation;paperless inspection reports; fee billing and network; outpatient report to take a single self-help, laboratory management activities of information technology.
作者 赵希顿
出处 《中国数字医学》 2013年第11期51-53,共3页 China Digital Medicine
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