目的探讨康复护理日常生活活动(RNADL)评定在小儿脑性瘫痪(脑瘫)手术后护理的价值。方法选择2012年6月-10月200例脑瘫术后患儿为研究对象,随机分为观察组和对照组,每组100例,采用RNADL对两组患儿进行功能障碍分型判断及障碍等级评定,并分别实施相应治疗方案及护理措施,并就2个月后的康复效果进行评价。结果与入组时比较,观察组患儿在2个月时的RNADL评分显著增高(P<0.01),其2个月时重度障碍的患儿较对照组明显减少(P<0.05)。结论 RNADL评定是脑瘫患儿康复治疗的前提和基础,通过正规RNADL评定后采取合理有效的康复治疗方案能明显改善患儿的日常生活能力。
Objective To evaluate the value of rehabilitative nursing activities of daily living (RNADL) on nursing after pediatric cerebral palsy surgery. Methods A total of 200 children with pediatric cerebral palsy treated between June and October 2012 were selected. The children were randomly divided into two groups with 100 cases in each: RNADL group (group R) and non RNADL group (group N). The disability level was judged and the appropriate rehabilitation treatment and nursing program were actualized according to the RNADL evaluation scores and typing of dysfimction in group R, and the rehabilitation treatment and nursing program were carried out according to the conventional treatment measures after RNADL evaluation in group N. The effect was evaluated after 2 months. Results The RNADL score in group R was significantly higher 2 months later (P 〈 0.01). The cases of severe disorders in group R significantly reduced compared with that in group N and the RNADL score in group R was significantly higher than that in group N after 2 months (P 〈 0.05). Condusion The assessment of RNADL is the premise and foundation of the rehabilitation of children after cerebral palsy surgery, and the reasonable and effective rehabilitation program could significantly improve the children's daily life after formal RNADL assessment.
West China Medical Journal
Pediatric cerebral palsy
Ability of daily life
Rehabilitative nursing