
Optimization of Slope Angle and Its Seismic Stability: A Case Study for the Proposed Open Pit Coalmine in Phulbari,NW Bangladesh 被引量:1

Optimization of Slope Angle and Its Seismic Stability: A Case Study for the Proposed Open Pit Coalmine in Phulbari,NW Bangladesh
摘要 The present study reflects upon the results of substantial program of two-dimensional Finite Element Method(FEM) numerical analyses of the open pit that links to slope angle optimization associated with the safety factor of the pit slope of a coal mine in Bangladesh. In the present analyses, two types of models have been presented. The first model estimates safety factor without seismic effect on the overall pit slope of the model; the second model incorporates safety factor with seismic stability of the model. The calculated optimum slope angle of the first model is 31owith a rational safety factor of 1.51,prior to the seismic effect. However, the value is reduced to 0.93, 0.82, and 0.72, after we applies the seismic effect in the second model with M6, M6.5, and M7, respectively. Finally, our modeling results emphasize that for the case of the proposed Phulbari coalmine, there is extremely high prospect for causing massive slope failure along the optimum pit slope angle with 31oif the mine area felt seismic shaking,like the Sikkim(in northern India) earthquake with M6.9 on September 18, 2011. The present study reflects upon the results of substantial program of two-dimensional Finite Element Method (FEM) numerical analyses of the open pit that links to slope angle optimization associated with the safety factor of the pit slope of a coal mine in Bangladesh. In the present analyses, two types of models have been presented. The first model estimates safety factor without seismic effect on the overall pit slope of the model; the second model incorporates safety factor with seismic stability of the model. The calculated optimum slope angle of the first model is 31% with a rational safety factor of 1.51, prior to the seismic effect. However, the value is reduced to 0.93, 0.82, and 0.72, after we applies the seismic effect in the second model with M6, M6.5, and M7, respectively. Finally, our modeling results emphasize that for the case of the proposed Phulbari coalmine, there is extremely high prospect for causing massive slope failure along the optimum pit slope angle with 31% if the mine area felt seismic shaking, like the Sikkim (in northern India) earthquake with M6.9 on September 18, 2011.
出处 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期976-986,共11页 山地科学学报(英文)
关键词 抗震稳定性 孟加拉国 边坡角 露天矿 煤矿 优化 模型估计 地震效应 Open pit coalmine Optimum slope angle Safety factor Seismic stability
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