To compare the features and clinical application of three methods for the assessment of bone age, 54 roent-genograms of hand and wrist from children with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency (GHD) were assessed by Greulich and Pyle atlas (G-P Atlas), Zhang Shaoyan' s CHN method (CHN' s method) and Ye Yiyan' s method(Ye's method) for Chinese children and adolescents, respectively. The results showed that the bone age assessed by G-P Atlas was significantly younger than that assessed by other two ways (P<0. 05). There was a similar value used by either CHN' s method or Ye' s methods. A unparalleled values of the bone age in GHD children were noticed before and after r-hGH administration assessed by either C or R systems of Ye' s method. It is suggested that G-P Atlas can be used to estimate a approximate range of bone age as a simple way, Ye's method can be used to monitor the bone age exactly and to do research as a precision way, and CHN' s method will be more suitable to be used clinical practice routinely as a accurate and relatively timesaving way.
Journal of Clinical Pediatrics