

A Study of Chinese College Students' Cognitive Attribution to Corruption
摘要 运用《个人传统性和个人现代性量表》和《腐败归因问卷》,选取261名中国大学生为对象,调查分析中国大学生对政府官员腐败归因的维度、团体归因偏见以及文化取向与腐败归因的关系。研究发现:中国大学生对官员腐败主要归因于"反腐法律、制度不健全"、"政商勾结的国内体制"和"腐败风气"等外在的、稳定的、可控的因素,以及"官员对家人和周围亲信管教不严"、"反腐只是口号和手段"、"个人道德品行低下"等内部的、可控的因素;中国大学生在官员腐败归因中,没有表现出"团体自我服务偏见";"传统人"对中国官员腐败原因的认知,偏重于难以控制和改变的因素,而"现代人"对腐败原因的认知,则偏重于稳定的、可控的因素。 Based on the Scale of Individual Traditionalism and Individual Modernism and Attribution to Corruption Questionnaire, this paper surveyed 261 randomly selected college students in order to analyze the attribution factors, group-serving bias, and the relation between cultural trends and attribution to official corruption. The results shows: students attributed official corruption to external, stable and controlled factors such as anti-corruption laws and system, domestic institution, and corruption atmosphere, and internal and controlled factors such as family members and subordinates, sIogan, means and low morality. There is no group-serving bias in China or South Korea. Students with traditional ideas prefer attributing official corruption to uncontrolled and unchanged factors, whereas students with modern ideas prefer attributing official corruption to stable and controlled factors.
出处 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期91-96,共6页 Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 2011年天津市社会科学规划一般项目(TJSR11-026) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(NKZXTD1102)
关键词 政府官员 腐败 归因 大学生 officials corruption attribution college students
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