
多维理论视角下的合作行为探析 被引量:2

A Study of Cooperative Behavior Analysis from the Multidimensional Perspective
摘要 合作行为一直是国内外学者们的重要研究课题,不同的学科、不同的理论给出了不同的解释。学者们以"行为体之间的合作行为的发生和维持"作为研究主题,分别从以基因为核心变量下的合作行为、文化影响下的合作行为、博弈互动影响下的合作行为和认知影响下的合作行为等多维理论视角对合作行为做出阐释,这些理论阐释既有共同点,也有不同点,既有相一致的方面,也有相冲突的方面。通过对这些理论阐释的基本内容和关键变量进行系统梳理和逻辑剖析,展现这些理论阐释的各自优缺点,并在此基础上对这些理论观点加以综合比较,最终揭示行为体之间的合作行为是如何发生并维持下去的。 Cooperative behavior has been an important research topic for domestic and foreign scholars. Different disciplines and theories have provided different explanations. The research topic of this paper is "the occurrence and maintenance of cooperative behavior between actors". We interprets "cooperative behavior" from multidimensional theoretical perspec tives, i.e.: cooperative behavior under the influence of gene, culture, Interactive game and cognition. These theoretical in terpretations have not only similarities, but also differences. At the same time, these interpretations have not only consis tent aspects, but also conflicting aspects. This paper intends to analyze the basic contents and key variables of these theories systematically, to show the advantages and disadvantages of each of these interpretations, to synthetically compare these theoretical perspectives, and to reveal how the cooperative behavior between actors happens and sustains eventually.
出处 《理论与现代化》 CSSCI 2013年第6期91-99,共9页 Theory and Modernization
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目"中国共产党区域合作战略研究(1978-2011)"成果之一 项目编号:11SSXT123
关键词 合作行为 基因 文化 博弈 认知 Cooperative behavior Gene Culture Game Cognition
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