
将来情节想象对事件发生主观可能性的影响 被引量:6

The Effect of Future Episodic Thought on Subjective Probability Estimates
摘要 面向未来是人类的本质特征之一。将来情节想象指的是在心理上预先体验将来可能发生的个人事件的能力。尽管最近很多研究集中在将来情节想象的神经机制的探讨上,但其在决策等领域所具有的重要应用价值尚未得到深入研究。本研究采用随机化实验组控制组前测和后测设计探讨了将来情节想象对于将来情绪性事件发生主观可能性的影响。结果发现,将来情节想象能够提高将来事件发生的主观可能性。并且,本研究还首次发现了将来情节想象对将来情绪性事件的影响存在不对称性,即将来情节想象对消极事件主观可能性的提升效应要比其对积极事件主观可能性的提升效应要大。本研究分别从可用性启发、解释水平理论和情绪的作用等角度分别探讨了该现象背后可能的机制。 One of the fundamental features of human beings is the capacity to envisage the future.Episodic future thought refers to the ability to image specific personal episodes that will potentially occur in the future.Recently,despite accumulating evidence focusing on the neural correlates of episodic future thought,there is a surprisingly large gap in our knowledge concerning its important implications.A randomized pretest-posttest control group design was employed to investigate the effect of future episodic thought on subjective probability estimates of future events.The results demonstrated that the episodic future thought can enhance the possibility of future emotional events.Furthermore,there was an asymmetry effect among the effect of episodic future thought on the emotional events.Specifically,the enhancing effect of episodic future thought on the negative events was greater than that of episodic future thought on the positive events.The results arre interpreted from the availability heuristic,construal level theory and the mediator of emotion.
出处 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期79-85,174,共7页 Journal of Southwest University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 重庆市人文社会科学重点研究基地重点项目“城市幸福指数量表的编制研究”(00501),项目负责人:黄希庭 西南大学2012年度中央高校基本科研项目“抑郁情绪个体时间自我评价的认知神经机制”(SWU1209469),项目负责人:罗扬眉,黄希庭 国家重点学科西南大学基础心理学211工程建设项目“时间认知分段综合模型研究”(NSKD11001),项目负责人:黄希庭
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