
The Strategies of Grassland Management in Farms of Northeastern Part of Poland

The Strategies of Grassland Management in Farms of Northeastern Part of Poland
摘要 Four directions for grassland management are set out under the Common Agricultural Policy: the existing, environmental, productional and integrated. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the agreement of production potential of grassland with the strategy of the CAP on the background of commodity milk production. This work is connected with randomly selected 1656 farms from the north-eastern part of the Lublin province remaining the dairy cattle. Source material for analysis was derived from the evaluation reports of dairy farms and the datas of Voivodeship Statistical Office. Taken the average annual milk production and surface of permanent grasslands, were divided into three groups of management direction: I- existing, II- integrated, III- productional In a separate II group of this management, three subgroups were identified dependent on the volume of milk production: A-(20-50), B-(50-100), C-(100-350) thousand of liters. In the studied farms the participation of grasslands in the structure of agriculture fanning lands was significantly higher than the average in the region as well as in the country. The largest research group accounted 49.5% of farms producing 20-50 thousand liters of milk with an average area of 21.23 ha and sustained an average of 9.8 cows. Large proportion of permanent grassland in the structure of agricultural lands and large stocking density per 100 ha of grasslands in northeast farms of Lublin province indicate significant intensification of feed production on the farmlands.
机构地区 Grassland Department
出处 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第7期727-731,共5页 生命科学(英文版)
关键词 Grassland management milk production stocking density. 草原管理 农场生产 东北部 波兰 农业政策 草地管理 生产潜力 奶牛场
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