为改善英汉机译系统复杂句的翻译效果 ,针对英语复杂句中从句的边界界定问题 ,本文提出一种基于语料库的方法识别从句 ,该方法利用词性信息 ,将规则方法和统计方法结合用于识别从句的边界 ,获得良好的实验结果 ,封闭测试的精确率为 92 .6 9% ,召回率 91 .0 4% ;开放测试的精确率为 80 .34% ,召回率 83.93%。
In order to improve the performance of translating English complex sentence in a English Chinese translation system,we present a new approach to subordinate clause recognition using a corpus based method.With the information of part of speech tagging of an English sentence,this approach integrates rule and statistical methods to recognize subordinate clauses.The precision and recall ratio of recognizing subordinate clauses are tested on both closed corpus and open corpora.A result of 92.9% precision and 80% recall is obtained from the closed test and from the open test,the result is 80.34% precision and 83.93% recall.
Journal of Chinese Information Processing
国家 8 6 3课题!(86 3 - 30 6 -ZT0 3- 0 6 - 3
86 3 - 30 6 -ZD13 - 0 4- 4)
自然科学基金项目!(89775 0 17)