1Diana Crane, Invisible Colleges ( Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1972).
2Henry Small,Griffith B C. The structure of scientific lit- eratures 1 : Identifying and graphing specialties[ J]. Sci- ence Studies, 1974, 4:17-40.
3Belver C. Griffith and Henry G. Small, The structure of scientific literatures 11 : The macro - and micro - structure of science [ J ]. Science Studies, 1974, 4:339-65.
4Henry C. Small. A excitation model of a Scientific specialty: A longitudinal study of collagen research [ J ]. Social Studies of Sci- ence,1977, 7:139 -66.
5Nicholas C. Mullins, Theories and Theory Groups in Contemporary American Sociology (New York: Harper and Row, 1973).
6Daryl E. Chu- bin, Sociology of Sciences: An Annotated Bibliography on Invisible Colleges (New York: Garland, 1983).