By using Chinese mental health scale for middle school students, the investigation of the men- tal health condition of 1783 demonstrative high school students found that the detection rate of each factor in the scale for the demonstrative high school students was from 4.3% to 18.5%, among which the detection rate of leaming stress and emotion is close to 20%, indicating that the mental health of demonstrative high school stu- dents is not optimistic. Boys from demonstrative high schools are in better mental health than girls. There is no significant difference in mental health status between ethnic Han and minority students of demonstrative high schools. The mental health of the students from the first class demonstrative high schools is better than those from the second and third class. Demonstrative high school sophomores are in worse mental health than fresh students and seniors. Students from urban demonstrative high schools show a better mental condition than those from rural demonstrative high schools, all of which demonstrates that psychology classes and school psychologi- cal services exert a remarkable influence on the mental condition of demonstrative high school students.
Journal of Bijie University
Mental Health
Demonstrative High School