
二语习得研究与教材开发的基本原则 被引量:11

Second Language Research and the Basic Principles for Materials Development
摘要 本文探讨二语习得的研究成果对教材编写的意义。教材编写过程中,对语言及其使用的理论以及语言学习理论的理解决定着教材的基本特征和使用方式。语言及其使用的理论影响着教材编写的目标、教材的重点以及所包含的教学活动。语言学习理论决定着大纲的内容以怎样的方式通过练习、任务、活动以及学习经验来落实。以此为出发点,本文重点讨论二语习得研究对读写教材编写的理论指导意义。 The paper reviews the significance of second language acquisition research for the foreign language learning materials devel- opment. Studies show that in developing foreign language learning materials, understandings of language, language use plays a crucial role in determining the goals, focus and activities included in the materials, while understanding of learning determines how the syllabus is implemented in the form of exercises, tasks activities and learning experiences. The paper focused on the de- velopment of reading and writing materials in the light of such significance of second language acquisition research.
作者 何岚 刘正光
机构地区 湖南大学
出处 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期122-126,共5页 Foreign Language Research
基金 国家社科基金"认知语言学与外语教学新理论研究"(11BYY043)的阶段性成果
关键词 二语习得 教材开发 基本原则 实践意义 second language acquisition materials development basic principles significance
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