
合欢皮有效部位对bFGF诱导小鼠血管生成的影响及其机制 被引量:2

The effects of Albizia julibrissin active fraction on angiogenesis induced by bFGF in rat model and its related mechanism
摘要 目的研究合欢皮有效部位(AJAF)对bFGF诱导血管生成的影响,并探讨其抑制血管生成的机制。方法采用bFGF诱导小鼠Matrigel种植体血管生成的模型,Masson染色和CD31免疫荧光法评价AJAF对微血管面积变化的影响;免疫组织化学法测定靶蛋白pAKT,pERK的表达量。结果 AJAF能够显著降低Matrigel种植体微血管面积,并呈现剂量依赖性,且pAKT、pERK的表达量随药物浓度的升高而显著降低。结论 AJAF抑制bFGF诱导的Matrigel种植体内血管生成,此作用与下调pAKT,pERK的表达量有关。 OBJECTIVE To study the effects of Albizia julibrissin active fraction (AJAF) on angiogenesis induced by bFGF and its related mechanism. METHODS Matrigel implanted model induced by bFGF was established. Quantitative analysis was applied to compare the microvascular areas in Matrigel implanted area between the study group and the control group. Masson and CD31 - FITC staining detected the angiogenesis with the treatment of AJAF. Immunohistochemistry was applied to measure expression of pAKT and pERK. REAULTS Quantitative analysis of the microvascular areas in Matrigel implanted area indicated that AJAF could inhibit angiogenesis as well as reduce the expression of CD31 - FITC at the concentration of 4 and 8 mg kg-1. The content of pAKT and pERK decreased with the treatment of AJAF. CONCLUSION AJAF exerted inhibitory effects on angiogenesis induced by bFGF via decrea- sing the content of pARK and pERK.
出处 《华西药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期583-586,共4页 West China Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
关键词 合欢皮有效部位 BFGF 血管生成 PAKT PERK The active fraction of Albizia julibrissin bFGF Angiogenesis pAKT pERK
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