冶金不含铁尘泥种类繁多,涵盖了冶金生产全流程,目前对此还无有效利用方法,只能简单填埋,这不仅占用大量土地,而且造成周围环境和地下水资源污染。研究利用宝钢工业制造生石灰过程中调湿产生的石灰石尘泥和清洗产生的白云石尘泥,通过对其化学成分、物相微观分析和放射性测试,放射性符合GB 6566—2010要求,经磁选,尘泥不含铁。以冶金不含铁尘泥为原料进行配方设计,生产的泡沫混凝土及其砌块性能,经测试分析符合JC/T 1062—2007要求。解决了工业固废物的环保治理问题,且有助于资源的再生利用、变废为宝。
There is a great variety of metallurgical dust and sludge without iron, covering the whole metallurgical production process. Until now, there is no effective way to use,and only simple landfill,which not only takes up a large amount of land and but also is prone to cause pollution to the surrounding environment and underground water. Study to use the limestone sludge caused during production of quicklime,and dolomite sludge caused during washing in Bao-steel,the chemical composition test, phase microscopic analysis and radiological test results show that the dust and sludge does not contain iron, and radioactivity complies with requirements of GB 6566-20~0. Conduct formulation design taking the non-ferrous metallurgical dust and sludge as raw materials,the properties of the produced foam concrete and its blocks are in line with the requirements of JC/T 1062-2007. It not only solves the environmental treatment problem of the industrial solid waste,but also is facilitating recycling of resource, changing waste into valuable.
New Building Materials
metallurgical dust and sludge without iron
foamed concrete