目的对亚洲人群CYP2C19等位基因发生率的相关文献进行合并分析,为个体化药物治疗和药物基因组学研究提供依据。方法计算机检索PubMed、EMbase、Cochrane图书馆、CNKI、WanFang Data、VIP和CBM等数据库,纳入CYP2C19等位基因发生率的相关文献。按照纳入与排除标准筛选文献、提取数据后进行合并分析。结果共纳入41篇文献,包含17个国家9 841例健康亚洲人的CYP2C19等位基因的信息。按东亚(中国、韩国和日本)、东南亚(越南、泰国、马来西亚、新加坡、缅甸、印度尼西亚和菲律宾)、南亚(印度)和西亚(巴勒斯坦、黎巴嫩、沙特阿拉伯、土耳其、伊朗和约旦)分区域进行分析,主要研究结果如下:CYP2C19*1、*2和*3等位基因的发生率,中国人群(n=4 170)分别为61.3%、32.1%和6.6%;东亚人群(n=5 879)分别为61.0%、31.2%和7.8%;东南亚人群(n=1 985)分别为67.6%、28.8%和3.7%;南亚人群(n=679)分别为64.0%、35.2%和0.8%;西亚人群(n=1 298)分别为87.3%、12.1%和0.6%;亚洲以上四个地区17个国家9 841例CYP2C19*1、*2和*3等位基因的总发生率分别为66.0%、28.4%和5.5%。结论 CYP2C19各等位基因的发生率在我国及亚洲不同区域之间均存在较大差异(P<0.05),且遗传变异也会受地域环境的影响。
Objective To analyze literatures reported allele frequencies of CYP2C19*1,*2,*3 for healthy Asian populations, and to provide evidence-based data for further personalized drug therapy and pharmacogenomics research. Methods Relevant articles were electronically retrieved from digital databases of PubMed, EMbase, The Cochran Library, CNKI, WanFang Data, VIP and CBM, and the articles reporting the allele frequencies of CYP2C19 were included. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the data of the allele frequencies of the gene were extracted, pooled, and analyzed. Results A total of 41 articles were included, involving 9 841 healthy Asians from 17 countries. Analyses were conducted according to regional features, based on China, East Asia (China, Korea and Japan), Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, Indonesia and Philippines), South Asia (India), and West Asia (Palestine, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iranian and Jordan). The major results showed that the allele frequencies of CYP2C19*1,*2,*3 were 61.3%, 32.1% and 6.6% (Chinese, n=4 170); 61.0%, 31.2% and 7.8% (East Asians, n=5 879); 67.6%, 28.8% and 3.7% (East South Asians, n=1 985); 64.0%, 35.2% and 0.8% (South Asians, n=679); and 87.3%, 12.1% and 0.6% (West Asians, n=1 298), respectively. Based on the included 9 841 healthy Asians from 17 countries, the total allele frequencies of CYP2C19*1,*2,*3 were 66.0%, 28.4% and 5.5%, respectively. Conclusion The allele frequencies of CYP2C19*1,*2,*3 2 fairly differ in ethnic groups in China, as well as in regions in Asia. Besides, genetic variation is impacted by geographical factors such as regions and environment.
Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine