能源的短缺和不可再生性能源所造成的环境污染已成为当今日益严重的问题。太阳能具有取之不尽、清洁安全等特点,太阳能光伏发电系统的研究对于缓解能源危机、减少环境污染、减小温室效应具有重要的意义。在分析国内外光伏产业发展现状和光伏发电原理的基础上,设计了基于TMS320F2812 DSP的光伏独立发电系统。本系统采用变步长自适应算法来实现最大功率跟踪技术,从而实现了对太阳电池最大功率点的追踪。
The shortage of energy and pollution of environment caused by non-renewable energy have become more and more serious. Therefore, it is important to search the renewable green energy. Solar energy has inexhaustible, clean and safe characteristics, and at the same time, the research of solar photovoltaic systems has important implications for the mitigation of energy crisis, reduces environmental pollution and the greenhouse effect. In this paper, independent photovoltaic power generation system based on TMS320F2812 DSP was designed on the basis of analysis of the domestic and international PV industry development status and photovoltaic power generation principle. The system achieved the maximum power point tracking of solar cell using a variable step size adaptive algorithm.
Chinese Journal of Power Sources