

A Probe into the Integrative Ethical Education in America
摘要 "整合式道德教育"(IEE)是美国近年来新兴的品格教育模式。该理论模式借鉴认知科学中有关人类学习和认知方面的成果,从专业技能的视角来理解品格,认为道德品格的发展就是培养道德专业技能。它主张采用"生手到专家"的学徒模式教学法和自我调节来进行道德品格教育,并提出了五个步骤的详细教育实施策略。该模式为道德品格的培养提供了一个整体性的、综合性的和经验主义的理论框架。 The model of Integrated Ethical Education(lEE) has been emerging in recent years in the United States. This theoretical model draws on the research results of cognitive science about human learning and cognition,understands the character from the perspective of expertise ,and believes that the development of moral character is to cultivate moral expertise. The apprenticeship model pedagogy of "novice-to-expert" and self regulation are adopted to develop moral character,and a detailed five-step educational implementation strategy is proposed. In short,the IEE model provides a holistic, comprehensive and empirical framework for the cultivation of moral character.
作者 郝杰
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第12期100-107,共8页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 美国 整合式道德教育 专业技能 生手到专家 自我调节 America Integrative Ethical Education expertise novice -to -expert self regulation
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