
技术进步、制度变迁与国际贸易模式演进:一个分析框架 被引量:9

The Evolution Mechanism of International Trade Pattern: An Analytical Framework from the Perspective of Technical Progress and Institutional Change
摘要 人类无穷的欲望是促进技术进步和制度变迁的原始动力,而技术和制度在深度和广度上的发展变化,不断地推动着国际贸易模式向更高的层次演进。制度变迁和技术进步在"二元边际"上的差异性导致了不同国际贸易模式在不同区域和不同时点上的非均衡分布。国际贸易模式的演进与升级,又对现有的国际分工格局和国际贸易格局产生明显的影响和冲击。在产品内分工和产品内贸易背景下,将贸易政策的调整对象由最终产品划分为最终产品和中间产品这两大类型,就更能体现产品内贸易模式下国家对外贸易政策的调节功能,并有助于提高国家在国际分工体系中的位置。 Human beings' boundless desire is the original motivation which promotes the institutional change and technical progress in human society. Technical progress and institutional change in depth and breadth drive the evolution of international trade pattern to a higher level, but the "bivariate marginal" difference of institutional change and technical progress leads to an unbalanced distribution of different international trade patterns in different countries or regions at different times. As a matter of fact, the evolution of international trade pattern has an obvious effect on the international labor division system and the world trade. Under the background of intra-product specialization and intra-product trade, it is necessary for a country to divide its trading products into final goods and intermediate goods in terms of trade policy, so as to increase the effect of the trade policy as well as to promote its own position in the international labor division system.
作者 梁碧波
出处 《国际经贸探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第12期4-16,共13页 International Economics and Trade Research
基金 教育部人文社科规划基金项目(10YJA790105)
关键词 制度变迁 技术进步 国际贸易模式 演进机制 institutional change technical progress international trade pattern evolutionmechanism
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