
基于有限时间系统同步的自治水下航行器回收控制 被引量:14

Recovery Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based on Finite-time Synchronization of Systems
摘要 基于主–从系统状态同步的思想,提出了母艇在平面运动中回收自治水下航行器(Autonomous underwater vehicle,AUV)的一种控制方法.在给出母艇和自治水下航行器的动力学模型基础上,建立了自治水下航行器(从系统)接收母艇(主系统)的状态信息并控制自身接近母艇的主从控制方案,使母艇自主回收水下航行器的问题转化为两者的运动状态同步问题.利用有限时间稳定性理论,设计了一种在常值海流扰动影响下,自治水下航行器能够在有限时间内被母艇回收的滑模控制器,理论证明和仿真实例证实了该控制器的有效性. Abstract A control method for plane-motional host-vessel re- covering an autonomous underwater vehicle is proposed based on the idea of states synchronization of master-slave systems. First, the dynamical models of both the host-vessel and the au- tonomous underwater vehicle are mathematically given, then a master-slave control scheme, in which the autonomous underwa- ter vehicle (slave system) takes over the updated state informa- tion of the host-vessel (master system) and manipulates itself to approach to the host-vessel, is established such that the recov- ery of the autonomous underwater vehicle by the host-vessel can be equivalently studied in synchronization of both the motional states. By means of finite-time stability theory, a sliding mode controller for recovery of the autonomous underwater vehicle by the host-vessel in finite time is designed, where the disturbance of constant ocean current is considered. The validity of the de- signed controller is verified by means of theoretical proof and numerical simulation.
出处 《自动化学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期2164-2169,共6页 Acta Automatica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(61074012,11202239)资助~~
关键词 自治水下航行器 回收技术 有限时间同步 滑模控制 Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), tech-nique of recovery, finite-time synchronization, sliding mode con-trol
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