
芦芽山阳坡不同海拔白杄径向生长对气候变暖的响应 被引量:13

Responses of radial growth to climate warming in Picea meyeri trees growing at different elevations on the southern slope of Luya Mountain
摘要 使用树轮生态学方法研究了山西芦芽山建群种白杄(Picea meyeri)径向生长对气候变暖的响应状况,发现随着气温升高,不同海拔白杄生长与气候因子关系的变化存在差别。研究区气温可以分为1958–1983年的气温降低阶段和1984–2007年的气温升高阶段。由气温降低阶段进入气温升高阶段,低海拔白杄树轮年表的序列间相关系数和第一主成分解释量均增大,而高海拔白杄树轮年表的序列间相关系数和第一主成分解释量均减小,表明气候条件对低海拔白杄生长的影响增强而对高海拔白杄生长的影响减弱。随着气温升高,不同海拔白杄径向生长与气候因子的关系均出现了变化。1958–1983年,低海拔(2060 m)白杄生长与7月降水量显著正相关(p<0.05),而在1984–2007年,这一关系表现为极显著正相关(p<0.01),同时与生长季中5–7月平均气温呈现显著负相关(p<0.05)。海拔2 330 m,白杄在1958–1983年与7月降水量极显著正相关(p<0.01),进入1984–2007年后与气候因子没有显著相关关系。海拔2 440 m,白杄生长由1958–1983年的与气候因子没有显著相关关系转变为1984–2007年的与上一年10月平均气温显著负相关(p<0.05)。高海拔(2 540 m)白杄生长在1958–1983年与上一年11月平均气温极显著负相关(p<0.01),在1984–2007年与上一年10月、当年1月平均气温和6月降水量均显著负相关(p<0.05)。滑动相关分析结果表明,随着气温升高,低海拔主要气候因子对生长的影响增强,而高海拔主要气候因子对生长的影响减弱,这可能成为高海拔白杄生长对气温升高敏感性降低的原因。在气候变暖的驱动下,海拔引起的白杄生长与气候因子关系的差异发生了变化。 Aims The radial growth in Picea meyeri is reportedly limited by different climatic factors at different elevations. Our objectives were to investigate the variations in the responses of radial growth to climate warming, and to determine the distribution pattern along elevational gradient in P. meyeri. Methods We selected four sites representing a range of elevations on the southern slope of Luya Mountain in Shanxi Province, and took increment core samples from trees on each site for establishing tree-ring width chro- nologies along the elevational gradient. Statistical characteristics were computed in order to assess the reliability of the chronologies. Inter-chronology correlation was conducted to determine the growth trends during 1958–1983 and 1984–2007. Person's correlation was also performed to investigate the relationships between tree growth and climate. At last, the dynamics of growth-climate relationship were analyzed with the moving correlation method to examine the variations of dendroclimatic in response to climate warming. Important findings At the lower elevations, there was a stronger influence of climate on tree growth in P. meyeri during the period 1984–2007 with increasing temperature than during 1958–1983 with decreasing tem- perature; whereas the growth of trees displayed reversed patterns of climate effect between the two periods at higher elevations. The growth and climate relationship in P. meyeri varied with elevations. At 2 060 m a.s.l., the significance level of the relationship between tree growth and July precipitation increased from p 0.05 during 1958–1983 to p 0.01 during 1984–2007; a significant negative correlation(p 0.05) was found between the tree growth and the monthly mean temperature in May–July. At 2 330 m a.s.l., the tree growth showed a highly sig- nificant positive correlation(p 0.01) with July precipitation during 1958–1983, but was not significantly related to any of the climate factors during 1984–2007. In contrast, the growth of trees did not show any significant rela- tionship with climate during 1958–1983 at 2 440 m a.s.l., but it was found to be significantly(p 0.05) and nega- tively correlated with monthly mean temperature in October of the previous season during 1984–2007. At 2 540 m a.s.l., there was a highly significant(p 0.01) negative correlation between the tree growth in P. meyeri and the mean temperature in November of the previous season during 1958–1983, and significant(p 0.05) negative cor- relations were found between the tree growth and monthly mean temperatures in October of the previous season and January of the current season, as well as between the tree growth and the monthly precipitation in June during 1984–2007. According to the moving correlation analysis, with increasing temperature, the influence of main cli- mate factors on growth enhanced at lower elevations whereas weakened at higher elevations, which probably ex- plain the reduced sensitivity of growth response to climate warming at higher elevations in P. meyeri. Our study suggests that climate warming would alter the difference in the relationship between and climate factors caused by elevation gradient in P. meyeri.
出处 《植物生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期1142-1152,共11页 Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
基金 国家自然科学基金(41171067)
关键词 气候变暖 树轮生态学 海拔梯度 芦芽山 白杄 climate warming dendroecology elevation gradient Luyashan Mountain Picea meyeri
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