Objective:To evaluate image after internal fixation of acetabular posterior wall fracture and its clinical effects. Methods: Male 17 cases, female, 6 ; 17 - 73 year of age, 42 years on average ; posterior dislocation of the femoral head with 13 cases, 3 cases of in- jury of the sciatic nerve. According to the Tile patterns, A1 - 1 : 7 cases, A1 - 2 : 12 cases, A1 - 3 : 4 cases. Results:23 cases with post- operative follow - up had been made available, follow - up 6 - 36 months, an average of 21 months. To observe fracture reduction and plate screw location by X series tablets and CT: anatomic reduction of 19 cases, satisiactory reduction 4. Immobilize the lag screw and plate position block well, hip screw - free access or interference. With improved d'Aubigne and Postel hip score evaluation of clinical re- sults: 15 cases, benign and 6 cases, 2 cases, excellent rate of 91%. Conclusion :Accurate reduction and reliable internal fixation might be a prerequisite for satistactory efficacy of acetabular posterior wall fracture.
Chinese Journal of Trauma and Disability Medicine
Acetabular posterior wall fracture
Internal fixation