目的:观察右美托咪定在颅内血肿开颅清除术中的应用效果.方法:行颅内血肿清除术的患者38例,随机分为右美托米啶(M)组和对照(N)组.M组在10 min内静脉输注1 μg/kg右美托咪定,术中右美托米啶0.2~0.5 μg/(kg·h)泵注维持至切开硬脑膜后停药,N组泵注等容量生理盐水.观察用药前(T0)、用药后(T1)、气管插管前(T2)、气管插管后(T3)、手术后即刻(T4)、手术后60 min(T5)和手术结束时(T6)各时点SBP、DBP、MAP和HR值,记录术中的丙泊酚用量和血管活性药物的用量.结果:M组T0~T6各时点间,SBP、DBP和MAP差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),T1~T6各时点HR差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),均明显低于T0时点(P〈0.01).N组T2时点SBP、DBP、MAP和HR明显低于T3~T6各时点(P〈0.01).右美托咪定组的丙泊酚用量和麻黄碱的使用例数显著少于对照组(P〈0.01).结论:右美托咪定可以使颅内血肿清除术的血流动力学平稳,并节约丙泊酚的用量.
Objective To observe the application effect of dexmedetornldlne to clear intracrauial hematoma. Method 38 patient suffer- ing from clearing the intraerauial hematoma,were divided into dexmedetomldine (M) group and control (N) group. M group had continuous intravenous infusion 1 μg/kg dexmedetomidine in 10 mln, in the operation dexmedetomidine was eontinuoued intravenous infusion 0. 2 - O. 5 μg,/( kg. h) until the cut up dura mater, N group had equal capacity physiologleal saline infusions. Observed the SBP, DBP, MAP and HR values before drug (TO ) , after drug( Tt ) ,before endotraeheal intubation (T2 ) and after endotracheal intubation (T3 ) ,immediately af- ter surgery (T4 ), 60 minutes after surgery(T5 ) and at the end of the surgery (T6) , and recored consumptions of propofol and vasoaetive a- gents. Results Between the each point of To -T~ of M group, SBP, DBP and MAP had no statistic difference (P 〉 0. 05), Between the each point of Tt - T6 of M group, HR had no statistic difference (P 〉 0. 05), obviously was lower than the To point in time ( P 〈 0. 01 ). SBP, DBP, MAP and HR of T2 point of N group were obviously lower than the T3 -T6 points in time (P 〈 0. 01 ). Propofol requirements and the numbers of the use of the ephedrine of dexmedetomidine group were much less than that of thcontrol group (P 〈 0. 01 ) Conclusion Dexmedetomidine can make the hemodynamics of intraeranial hematoma removal surgery stable, and save prepofol require- ments.
Jilin Medical Journal
Intracranlal hematoma