1994~ 1996年对我省六类食品中的铅含量进行了调查 ,在川东、川西、川北、川南及川中地区农贸市场随机抽取食品 2 30件 ,调查结果表明 ,各类食品的合格率 ,奶类为 80 % ,粮食为 91.4% ,肉类及蛋类为 96 .8% ,蔬菜为 97.4% ,鱼类为 10 0 %。四川居民每人每日从六类食品中铅的摄入量为 15 3.72μg。
Surveying the contents of lead in six kinds of food was taken in 1994~1996 in Sichuan Province.230 random samples were taken from markets in the East,West,Shouth,North and Middle Sichuan Province.The results of lead content is 80% in milk,91 4% in grain,96 8% in pork and egg,97 4% in vegetable and 100% in fish.The absorbing amount of lead is 153 72μg/d person from the six kinds of food in Sichuan people.
Modern Preventive Medicine