In order to explore the effective approach of cold-resisting,taking five years life of lowbush blueber ties cuhivars Blomidon as materials,the influence of solid buried soil,hollow buried soil, simple cold proof and snowdrift cold-proof were studied on overwintering, plant growth and yield of blueberry. The results showed that the wintering cold-resisting method of cold proof in solid buried soil was the best and had no sprout phe nomenon basically,while the hollow buried soil followed,the methods of simple cold-~proof and snowdrift cold proof had no effect, pumping rate was almost 100%; the plant grew best in hollow buried soil, the highest height was as high as 46.7 cm followed by solid buried soil,the maximum height reached 43.7 cm;solid buried soil got the highest yield and tile highest individual plant was up to 359 g. As a result, the method of cold-proof in solid buried had the highest yield and the strongest growth,it's the ideal buried soil cold-resisting way with simple and convenient.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences
cold area
lowbush blueberry
cold resisting method