
邻避设施的选址与环境补偿研究 被引量:26

Study on Location and Environmental Compensation of NIMBY Facility
摘要 邻避行为的频发使得我国社会管理和公共决策面临新的挑战,环境补偿是缓解邻避冲突的重要方法。本文从行为与复杂性视角出发,基于计算实验理论与方法构建邻避设施的选址与环境补偿模型。通过资产的经济性贬值度量邻避设施对居民的影响,通过对主体、环境以及交互规则的描述与分析,最终采用多主体建模方法实现系统的演化结构。模型与计算实验研究了区域人口均匀分布邻避设施在中心、区域人口均匀分布邻避设施在郊区、区域人口非均匀分布邻避设施在中心与区域人口非均匀分布邻避设施在郊区等四种情形下,邻避设施所处社区在按人口补偿和按房屋面积补偿两种补偿方案下的动态演化规律。结果表明在两种方案下:社区最终人口与设施运营费用演化特征相近,但人口结构和个体行为的演化特征却有较大差异,按人口补偿方案虽照顾了贫穷家庭却最终使得大部分贫穷家庭留在了社区,按房屋面积补偿却使得社区居民保持多样性;如果区域人口相对比较平均,邻避设施选址在区域中心较好,人口迁移少且社区补偿额度高,如果区域人口分布不均匀,则选在郊区较为适宜,可规避大规模迁移免除房屋资源的浪费;此外,研究表明社区变化与邻避设施类型有较大关系,邻避效应越明显,社区最终人口越少,且不同补偿方案下人口结构演变具有差异性。 The frequent occurring of Not-In-My-Back-Yard (NIMBY) behavior is raising an enormous challenge on China's social management and public decision-making.Environmental compensation is an important method to mitigate NIMBY conflict.This paper,has built a NIMBY location and environmental compensation model based on the theories and methods of computational experiments,from the behavior and complexity perspective.The NIMBY impact on residents is measured through asset's economic depreciation.The agent,and environment,rules of interactions have been developed for realizing the evolution of the system architecture by multi-agent modeling method.The dynamic evolution laws of the community system,where the NIMBY facility is located,are explored under the two compensation schemes according to the compensation received by family population or housing area in four scenarios:regional population is equally distributed with NIMBY facility in the center,regional population is equally distributed with NIMBY facility in the suburbs,regional population is unequally distributed with NIMBY facility in the center,and regional population is unequally distributed with NIMBY facility in the suburbs.The results show that the community population and infrastructure operating costs have similar evolutionary tendency in both scenarios,but they have big differences on population structure and individual behavior.The poor families receive care but ultimately mainly remain in the community on the scheme of compensation by population.Community residents maintain diversity on the scheme of compensation according to housing area.If regional population density is relatively equal,the regional center is a better place for sitting NIMBY facility,otherwise suburbs is better.In addition,the study has shown that there is a strong relevance between community change and the type of NIMBY facility.The more effective NIMBY effect is,the lower population the community will have in the end.The evolution of the population structure is various under different compensation scheme too.
作者 刘小峰
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第12期70-75,共6页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:71071072 71271107 71171099 71203085 71301070) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目
关键词 邻避设施 计算实验 环境补偿 经济性贬值 情景分析 NIMBY facility computational experiments environmental compensation economic depreciation scenario analysis
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