该研究分别于2012年4月、7—8月及11月针对云南省金沙江梨园电站影响区域的鱼类早期资源进行了3次监测。并于2012年7—8月对云南省玉龙县大具乡大具渡口金沙江的监测中,发现中华金沙鳅(Jinshaia sinensis)卵汛两次,分别为8月1日8:00—4日10:00和8月9日23:00—13日6:00。结果发现,中华金沙鳅鱼卵卵径3.37~4.41 mm,平均3.89 mm,自然受精率为91.5%,模拟培养出膜率为97.1%,畸形率为2.2%;产卵场共3处,分别位于云南省玉龙县龙蟠镇、黎明乡和巨甸镇;三处产卵场两次产卵共计~1.49×107 ind.。此次产卵场的发现是对以往中华金沙鳅生物学资料的重要补充,对电站建设背景下金沙江鱼类资源的保护具指导意义。
During April, July to August and November of 2012,three surveys were conducted to estimate the early-stage fish resources in the area of Liyuan power station on Jinshajiang River of Yunnan Province. During the survey conducted at the crossing of Daju Town, Yulong County, Yunnan Province, from July to August, 2012, two egg-tides of Jinshaia sinensis were detected. One was from 8:00 of August 1st to 10:00 of August 4th and the other one was from 23:00 of August 9th to 6:00 of August 13th. The average egg diameter was 3.89 mm, ranging from 3.37 to 4.41 mm. Natural fertilization and hatching rate as well as abnormality rate in mimic wild environment were 91.5%, 97.1% and 2.2%, respectively. Meanwhile, three spawning grounds had been conjectured, which were Longpan Town, Liming Town and Judian Town of Yulong County, Yunnan Province. Moreover, the total number of eggs from those three spawning grounds during the two egg-tides was approximately 1.49×107 ind.. The discovery of the three spawing grounds is of importance in fullfilling the study of Jinshaia sinensis, and in protecting fish resources under the influences of power stations.
Upper and middle Jinshajiang River
Jinshaia sinensis
Spawning ground