
鱼类体表粘液凝集素研究进展 被引量:4

Progress in study on the skin mucus lectin in fish
摘要 鱼类体表粘液是保护鱼体与水环境接触的一道物理和化学屏障,除包围入侵微生物外,还含有抗菌物质。其中,凝集素作为不同于免疫球蛋白且不具酶催化活性的糖蛋白,为体表粘液中所含有的重要免疫活性物质,在保护鱼体免遭外界环境中的病菌、寄生物和病毒侵袭中至关重要。该文以鱼类体表粘液凝集素为研究对象,结合国内、外研究成果,对其研究简史、分类、生物学性质和功能等进行阐述,为其今后的研究及应用提供参考。 Since water is a perfect medium for both bacteria and parasitic microbes, fish skin is constantly exposed to pathogen attacks. It is generally believed that skin mucus serves a mechanical as well as biochemical barrier. Lectins, an important part of the mucus, are carbohydrate-binding proteins that are neither antibodies nor enzymes, yet play important roles in innate and adaptive immunity. Based on the structure of the carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) and their function, fish mucus lectins are classified as four types. Recent research has shed light on the structural diversity and functions in innate immunity of mucus lectins. Here, we reviewed recent research progress on the classification, biological properties and functions of fish mucus lectins. Analyses on other fish species are therefore important in clarifying lectin diversity and their functions in skin mucus.
出处 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期674-679,共6页 动物学研究(英文)
基金 国家863计划(2012AA100822) 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-50-G01) "泰山学者"建设工程专项
关键词 体表粘液 凝集素 免疫 功能 分类 Skin mucus Lectins Immunity Function Type
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