
软组织肉瘤分子诊断与个体化治疗探索 被引量:1

The molecular diagnosis of soft tissue sarcoma and the exploration of individualized treatment
摘要 软组织肉瘤是一组来源于间叶组织的异质性肿瘤,各亚型的性质及治疗不尽相同。晚期患者预后差,在过去的几十年间,除了胃肠间质细胞瘤,其他类型软组织肉瘤的全身治疗进展甚微。近年来,人们逐渐认识到,可以根据组织学亚型选择软组织肉瘤的化疗药物。与此同时,分子遗传学技术不仅广泛用于诊断,也在分子靶向药物治疗方面有显著价值。本文从组织学类型与分子遗传背景多角度对软组织肉瘤不同亚型及其治疗进行综述,并介绍几种近来较有前景的个体化靶向药物。 Soft tissue sarcomas(STS) are a heterogeneous group of mesenchymal tumors that vary in their behavior as well as treatment. Patients with advanced metastatic STS have poor prognosis. The development of new systemic treatments for STS has progressed little in the past few decades, with the exception of treatments for gastrointestinal stromal tumours. In recent years, people gradually realized that certain histologic subtypes predict for response to parti- cnlar chemotherapy drugs, while molecular genetics not only increasingly aids in the diagnosis but also has an emer- ging role in the identification of potential targets for drug therapy. Herein we review the varying STS subtypes and their managements from histological and molecular genetic aspects. Furthermore, the compelling role of the use of newer in- dividualized targeted agents with promising results is discussed.
作者 李琳 刘宝瑞
出处 《现代肿瘤医学》 CAS 2013年第12期2847-2850,共4页 Journal of Modern Oncology
基金 南京市医学科技发展项目(编号:QYK09164)
关键词 软组织肉瘤 分子遗传学 组织学 个体化靶向治疗 soft tissue sarcoma molecular genetics histology individualized targeted therapy
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