目的 至今为止 ,汉城病毒间核苷酸序列的同源性均在 95 %以上 ,而氨基酸序列显示出更高的保守性。本研究对一株分离于褐家鼠的汉城病毒Gou3株的M、S片段进行了部分核苷酸序列测定 ,观察其与已知汉城病毒的差异。方法 采用逆转录 PCR方法对Gou3病毒进行了扩增鉴定 ,并对其部分M和S基因组片段进行了碱基序列测定。结果 表明Gou3与其他SEO病毒有不同的PCR扩增特点。序列测定也显示其是一个差异较大的汉城病毒株 ,与其它汉城型病毒的同源性却只有 85 %左右。但由其推导出的Gou3的部分糖蛋白的氨基酸序列与其他汉城型病毒相比却高度保守。系统发生树分析表明Gou3是介乎于汉城病毒与汉滩病毒之间 ,但其亲缘关系较近于已知汉城病毒。结论 Gou3病毒为汉城病毒 。
Objective The M and S segments of Gou3,a Hantavirus strain isolated from Rattus norvegieus were partially reverse transcripted, PCR amplified and sequenced with ABI 373 DNA sequencer to observe the differences from other SEO type viruses. Methods RT PCR was used to amplify M and S segments of Gou3 strain, and then the nucleotide (nt) sequences of the segments were analysed. Phylogenetic tree analysis was also performed. Results The different property through PCR amplification and partial nucleotide sequence data showed that Gou3 was a Hantavirus of SEO type with significance difference from the other SEO type viruses. The nt sequence homology between Gou3 and the other SEO type viruses was only about 85%, but the deduced amino acid (aa) sequence of partial glycoprotein was highly conservative, at least as same as that among the other SEO type viruses. Sequence analysis also showed that nt or aa sequence homology between Gou3, or other SEO type, and HTN type viruses was nearly the same, while the phylogenetic tree analysis showed that Gou3 was a virus which was between HTN and the other SEO type viruses but closer to the latter.Conclusion Gou3 is a SEO virus but belongs to a new subtype.
Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Virology