目的 观察成人腹泻轮状病毒 (ADRV)抗体在人体内维持时间。方法 采用特异性的ADRV ELISA阻断试验检测ADRV抗体 ,对河南义马地区 1992、1987、1983年患成人腹泻的病人恢复 1年、6年、10年后的血清进行ADRV抗体的检测。结果 2 6 0例ADRV病人恢复 1年、6年、10年后其血清中ADRV抗体阳性率分别为 2 2 .7% (34 15 0 )、36 .3 % (2 9 80 )、2 3 .3% (7 30 ) ;对 92例ADRV抗体阳性者进行了抗体维持时间的观察 ,ADRV抗体在人体内可维持 1~ 6年。结论 成人腹泻轮状病毒感染人后一旦产生了抗体 ,可维持
Objective This research aimed at observing the persistent time of ADRV antibody in the sera of ADRV cases. Methods We adopted a sensitive and specific Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detecting ADRV antibody in patients who had recovered. Results We tested 260 human sera from Yi Ma town of Henan Province. One year, six years and ten years after the patients had recovered, the of positive rates for ADRV antibody were respectively 27.7 %, 36.3 % and 23.3 %. Thirty subjects of ADRV antibody positive were followed up retrospectively, no recurrent diarrhea was found. Conclusion The ADRV antibody can last 16 years after primary infection.
Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Virology