
国际环境法对我国环境保护的启示 被引量:2

Revelation of International Environmental Law to Chinese Environmental Protection
摘要 介绍了国际环境法的内涵、基本原则和发展过程,报告了我国环境保护法律体系立法趋于逐渐完善但滞后性明显的现状,从立法和执法的角度分析了我国现阶段环境保护法存在执行不利的问题,建议以推进国际环境法的实施和完善为契机,制定明细的配套法规,强化执法力度;加强各行政机关间的交流与合作,统筹应对复杂的环保形势;发达地区扶持不发达地区发展环保事业,推进我国环保事业的进步。 The article introduced the connotation, basic principles and development process of international environmental law, the present situation of China's environmental protection legal system that legislation are gradually consummated but obviously lagging, analyzed the poor enforcement problems existing in China's environmental protection law enforcement from the perspective of legislation and law enforcement. After that the article presented the following suggestions with the chance of promoting the implement and perfection of international environmental law: making detail corresponding laws and regulations, strengthening the law enforcement; strengthening the exchanges and cooperation between the administrative agencies to overall response to the complicated environmental protection situation; the developed areas give aid to the underdeveloped areas to carry out environmental protection work, so as to promote our country's progress in environmental protection career.
作者 代佼 操飞
出处 《中国环境管理干部学院学报》 CAS 2013年第6期12-15,共4页 Journal of Environmental Management College of China
关键词 国际环境法 环境保护 现状 启示 international environmental law environmental protection present situation revelation
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  • 1徐辉民,陈书全.中国环境资源法的产生与发展[M].北京:科学出版社,2007.
  • 2[法]亚历山大·基斯著.张若思译.国际环境法.法律出版社.2007年版.第93页.
  • 3Nicolas De Sadeleer, The Precautionary Principle in EC Health and Environmental Law, European Law Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 139-172, March 2006.
  • 4Nancy Myers: "Debating the Precautionary Principle", Science and Environmental Hea- lth Network, March 2000.
  • 5See nona Cheyne, Gatewaysto the Precautionary Principle in WTO Law, 19 .L Envtl. L. 155 (2007).
  • 6Alan R, andall: "We Already Have Risk Management? Do We Really Need the Precautio- nary Principle? "International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 3:No l, pp 39-74,.
  • 7Barry A. Turner, The Future for Risk Research, in Environmental Risk Planning and Management 109, 109 (Simon Gerrard et al. eds., 2001).
  • 8llona Cheyne, Gateways tothePrecautionary Principiein WTO Law, 19J. Envtl. L. 155 (2007). Also see Claire Magee, Note, Using Chevron as a Guide: Allowing for the Precautionary Principle in WTO Practices, 21 Geo. Int'l Envtl. L. Rev. 615 (2009);.
  • 9See Regine Neugebauer, Fine-Tuning WTO Jurisprudence and the SPS Agreement: Les- sons from the Beef Hormone Case, 31 LAW & POL'Y INT'L BUS. 1255, 1256 (2000).
  • 10Nancy Myers, The Precautionary Principle Puts Values First, Science and Environmental Health Network, Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, Vol. 22, No. 3, June 2002, 210-219.












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