为研究 Wilms瘤的发病机制 ,采用 S- P法对 30例 Wilm s瘤石蜡组织进行 bcl- 2、Ki- 6 7和 p5 3蛋白检测。结果 bcl- 2、Ki- 6 7和 p5 3阳性率分别为 10 .0 %、13.3%和 2 0 .0 % ,正常对照组织中无 1例表达。提示 bcl- 2基因的活化在该肿瘤发病中有一定启动作用 ;Ki- 6 7阳性表达与肿瘤的分化程度和临床预后不良有关 ;p5 3过度表达多发生于Wilms瘤临床早期 ,但三者间关系需进一步研究。
To investigate the pathogenesis of Wilms tumour,the expression of bcl 2,Ki 67 and p53 were detected by immunohistochemistry (SP) in 30 cases.The results showed that the positive rates of bcl 2,Ki 67 and p53 were 10.0% , 13.3% ,20.0% respectively.No positive case was found in normal group. The results indicated that apoptosis suppression plays a role in Wilms tumour,Ki 67 positive reaction is correlative with cell differentiation and prognosis,p53 over espression is occurred in early clinical stage of wilms tumour.
New Medicine