论述生物传感器的发展现状与前景。在环境控制中 ,生物传感器作为广谱装置应用于废水或生化需氧量的检测以及特异性地对农药、重金属、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、除草剂和次氮基乙酸等环境污染物进行检测。讨论了各类生物传感器 (如酶生物传感器、全细胞生物传感器、受体传感器和免疫传感器 )在环境分析中的应用实例及其优缺点 ,并指出了急需解决的问题以阐明其应用趋势 。
Early developments of biosensors are retrospect briefly. Biosensors for environmental controlling have been developed either as broad-spectrum devices, such as for measurement of biochemical oxygen demand in industrial effluents and other waste water or for analyte-specific determination of pesticides, groups of pesticides, heavy metals, nitrate, nitrite, nitrilotriacetic acid,or herbicides. Many examples of biosensors (i.e. enzyme sensors, whole-cell biosensors, receptor-based biosensors and immunosensors) applied to environmental analysis are presented with their advantages and disadvantages discussed here. Also, the problems to be resolved immediately of biosensor research in environmental analysis are pointed out to serve as a starting point for information about trends and to encourage more research in this interdisciplinary field.
Biotechnology Bulletin