心理健康问题得到当今社会的极大关注,旅游有助于改善人们的心理健康,学界对此进行了一定的探讨。本文采用汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)与汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)对89例游客的焦虑状态和72例游客的抑郁状态在旅游前、旅游归来时及旅游后1个月分别进行测评,并运用SPSS 20.0进行检验和比对,研究旅游对于焦虑、抑郁情绪的影响。研究结果显示:1.旅游归来时游客焦虑情绪较游前显著降低,抑郁情绪较游前有所下降,但在0.05水平上仍不显著;1个月后随访显示游客的焦虑、抑郁情绪均显著低于游前;2.景观类型选择对改善游客焦虑存在显著性差异;3.旅游时间长短与游客焦虑水平呈负相关。
It's widely recognized that travel can improve mental health. With the assist of research instrument Hamilton's Anxiety Scale ( HAMA ) and Hamilton's Depression Scale ( HAMD ) , the author conducts surveys of tourists who suffer anxiety and depression. Applying SPSS 20.0 and comparing their different mental attitudes before, immediate after and 1 month after the travel, the author analyses the emotion changes of 89 tourists who suffer anxiety and 72 tourists who suffer depression. The research makes the following discovery, l. When the travel was over, the tourists' anxiety has greatly reduced and the tourists' depression has slightly reduced. It is not significant at level of 0.05. The degree of both anxiety and depression of the tourists is much lower one month after their return. 2. The type of tourist attraction has great influence on the reduction of tourist's anxiety. 3. The length of travel time has negative correlation with tourist's anxiety.
Journal of Beijing International Studies University