本文在分析信息技术的发展趋势和GIS的发展模式的基础上,提出了地理控制(GeoControl)的概念。地理控制是GIS与众多技术集成和融合的结果,是在地理空间信息支持下,根据地理环境的动态特征对主体或客体施加影响,调节和控制主体或客体的运动与状态变化的过程;是以地理系统为目标,充分考虑地理空间维度要素的一项复杂系统控制技术。地理控制已在无人飞机的飞行控制和自动驾驶汽车技术中成功应用,对于智慧城市、智能机器、智能交通和物联网的发展具有重要意义。地理控制是地理信息技术发展的重要阶段,是地理信息技术社会功能和角色的再一次提升。本文还介绍了莱斯驰所提出的实况地理学(Live Geography)方法,实况地理学是传感器网络与GIS的集成与融合的产物。实况地理学实现了地理环境数据的实时采集、处理、分析与应用,也是地理控制动态数据获取的重要手段。实况地理学与地理控制改变了许多传统地理学应用模式,将给GIS带来广泛的影响。
Based on a review on the evolution of GIS, this paper proposes a new concept namely GeoControl, which represents a new stage in the coming development of GIS. GeoControl is a process to adjust and change the movement and the state of a controlling object based on the dynamic features of its geographical environ- ment with the support of GIS technology integrated with the others. It extends the geospatial dimensional factor within a complicated controlling system. Two good examples of GeoControl' s applications are the use of GIS in UAV controlling and landing as well as in Self-Driving Car navigation. In addition, this paper introduces the con-cept of Live Geography proposed by Dr. Bernd Resch and redefines it as an integration of Sensor Web with GIS, which makes it possible for capturing, processing and analyzing geographical data in real-time. Both GeoControl and Live Geography will have a profound influence on the development of GIS and offer wildly application pos- sibilities in smart city and the internet of things, promoting the role of GIS in the information society.
Journal of Geo-information Science