The stability of Sichuan' s ethnic regions cannot be separated from their economic development. Hence, the necessary conditions for promoting the development and stability of Sichuan' s ethnic regions include: fully applying the "Scientific Concept of Development"; enhancing the integrative and comprehensive utilization of resources; developing resource - saving and environment- friendly industries; and constructing an industrial system based upon the advantages of local characteristics. 1. Integrating Advantaged Resources and Constructing Advantaged Industrial Systems (1) Enhancing Resource Development and Resource Integration Firstly, we should ploration, and especially tion and evaluation of strengthen geological exstrengthen the investiga- those mineral resources which have a national shortage, but also have both a large potential market and big development potential in Sichuan' s ethnic regions. Secondly, we should strengthen resource accumulation and its sustainable utilization; insist on "Development in Protection, and Protection in Development" ; strengthen the saving and sustainable utilization of resources, especially land, energy and water resources; and actively develop renewable resources, including solar energy, biogas, bi- omass energy and wind power. Thirdly, we should strengthen integrative resource development, and rationally use water resources, electric resources, mineral resources and tourism resources. The development of water resources should not only correspond to electrical resource development, but should also be combined with the development of tourism resources as well as agricultural and husbandry resources. (2) Advance Agriculture and Husbandry with Traditional Characteristics towards Ones with Modem Characteristics If we want to develop an agriculture and husbandry with modem characteristics, and realize the transformation of traditional farming and animal husbandry to ones with modem characteristics in the Sichuan ethnic regions, then, we should take the lead in building a national - level demonstration base of modem agriculture and husbandry in the ethnic regions. Taking the construction of the "Four Big Systems" into consideration, we should perfect the support system for the development of modem agriculture and husbandry. Based on the situation in the grass -roots level and isolated mountainous areas , we must pay equal attention to public welfare and profit -making; strengthen the construction of a sytem to spread agricultural techniques ; and implement the "Three Hundred" agricultural projects of the province, the commissioning system for agricultural techniques and the "big rural courtyard" system. We must actively develop modem agricultural logistics; build clusters of urban - rural markets with high concentra- tions and strong emissive power; and cultivate assemblies of logistics bases and regional logistics centers. We should also strengthen the building of "brand systems" of agricultural products. For example, we should carry out projects for geographi- cally marked brands as well as source area protection projects; cultivate specific locally advantaged brands; and promote the commercialization rate of competition forces and the economic benefits of agricuhural products with local characteristics. (3) Constructing a Resource -Saving Development System for the First - Second - Third Tier Industries When focusing on the function of hydroelectric projects in cultivating local services markets, we should take the precious opportunity to develop the economy through hydroelectric projects; take the needs of projects as guidelines; and cultivate the local markets as means of production, labor markets, services markets, technology markets, and project markets. We should accelerate the construction of towns and basic construction facilities. We should enlarge local economic capacity; and promote the quality of economic development. If we want to promote a comprehensive development of an entire valley, we should strengthen the allocation of the development of the first - second - third tier industries, and cultivate sustainable industries and new economic growth. Hence, we should, at first, insist on "Promoting Agriculture and Husbandry by Water" ; promote effective irri- gation area and grassland construction in Sichuan' s ethnic regions; and develop ecological agriculture and husbandry. Secondly, we should "Support the Industry and Develop the Industry by Water" ; full- y use low price and good quality hydroelectric en- ergy to develop heavy industry so as to promote the county' s economy. Thirdly, we should realize "Cultivate Tourism and Develop Tourism by Water". Accordingly, we should strengthen the resto- ration of the landscape in reservoir areas and wet lands; and develop ethnic tourism, rural landscape tours and eco -tourism. Fourthly, we should insist on environmental protection and sustainable development by taking "Environmental Protection First, and Rational Development second" as the principle, thereby speeding up the incubation of lead enterprises. 2. Countermeasures for Maintaining Social Stability in the Ethnic Regions ( 1 ) Strengthening Poverty Alleviation Taking the national level poverty -level coun- ties, townships (town) and villages as the key targets, we should implement various poverty allevia- tion projects, such as industries for poverty alleviation, labor services for poverty alleviation, migra- tion for poverty alleviation, village road construction, and provide houses so as to improve the liv- ing conditions of the poor areas. We should handle those issues related to supplies of adequate food and clothing for those populations who live below the poverty line as soon as possible; improve the sustainable development capacity of those populations who already have an adequate food and cloth- ing in order to prevent them from "becoming poor again due to disasters" and "sickness"; ensure that the speed of income growth within the poverty areas is higher than the average level. We should improve the level of development and the efficiency of resources in the poverty regions through technol- ogy and education as well as through market -orientation methods. We should increase the income of poor rural families and their capacity for self - accumulation and selfdevelopment. We should innovate and improve the "whole package type" institutions doing poverty alleviation work, and form a new poverty alleviation model by "providing centralized investment; using it for special targets; constructing a comprehensive planning, to be im- plemented in entire villages; and by developing the entire region". (2) Promoting the Capacity to Prevent and Reduce Disasters Some parts of ethnic regions in Sichuan lie in the high mountains and deep valleys where geological disasters frequently happen. Landslides and mudflows caused from storms or regionally heavy rain are the main natural disaster in these areas. Therefore, we should pay key attention to the prevention of geological disasters along the Jinshan, Dadu, and Yalong Rivers and to both the An' ning River Valley and Chengdu -Kunming Route, areas where mudflows, soil collapses and landslides easily occur. We should further improve the defensive plan for geological disasters; strictly im- plement a system to evaluate the potential danger of geological disaster to the land construction and e- valuate the geological environmental influences of the mines; set up a good early warning prediction system regarding to geological disasters; and en- hance the ability to prevent geological disasters. We should promote the capacity to take precautions against earthquakes. Sichuan' s ethnic areas lie along the southern section of China' s North- South seismic belt. The seismic activity is more frequent here, so it is a key seismic monitoring area in China. Therefore, we should strengthen the spread of seismic knowledge ; improve people' s awareness in disaster
Journal of Ethnology
economic development in ethnic regions
social stability
ethnic economy
agricultural and husbandry industry with local characteristics.