
磁共振在直肠癌术前分期中的应用 被引量:5

MRI in the preoperative staging of colorectal cancer applications
摘要 目的:探讨磁共振(MRI)在直肠癌术前分期中的应用。方法:选取159例直肠癌患者进行磁共振检查,对直肠癌进行术前分期诊断,并将检查结果与术后病理检查结果比较。结果:MRI对直肠癌T1-2期、T3期、T4期及淋巴结转移诊断的敏感性为28.57%、94.51%、93.94%及88.54%,特异性为100.00%、58.82%、96.83%及50.79%,与病理检查分期诊断结果具有良好的一致性,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:MRI应用于直肠癌术前分期诊断具有较高的准确性,虽然目前尚处于初步阶段,但随着影像学技术不断提高,其诊断价值也会有进一步提升,值得临床应用。 Objective : To explore the MRI in the preoperative staging of colorectal cancer applications. Methods: 159 cases of colorectal cancer patients with MRI for preoperative staging of colorectal cancer , and the test results and the pathological examination results. Results : MRI for colorectal cancer T1-2 , T3 stage , T4 stage and lymph node metastasis had a sensitivity of 28.57% , 94.51% , 93.94% and 88.54% , specificity of 100.00% , 58. 82% , 96.83% and 50.79% with pathological staging showed good consistency , P 〈0.05, statistically significant difference. Conclusion: MRI used in preoperative staging of colorectal cancer with high diagnostic accuracy , al- though still at a preliminary stage , but with the imaging technology continues to improve , its diagnostic value will be further enhanced , worthy of promotion.
出处 《陕西医学杂志》 CAS 2013年第12期1613-1614,共2页 Shaanxi Medical Journal
关键词 直肠肿瘤 诊断 磁共振成像 肿瘤分期 Rectal neoplasms/diag nosis Magnetic resonance imaging Neoplasm staging
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