对池塘养殖暗纹东方 (Fuguobscurus)的一龄鱼 (体重 40~ 80g)、二龄鱼 (体重 2 0 0~ 30 0g)鱼体的生化组成进行了比较分析。结果表明 :二龄鱼的粗蛋白含量低于一龄鱼 ,而粗脂肪含量则明显高于一龄鱼 ;在必需氨基酸中 ,二龄鱼除了赖氨酸、精氨酸含量明显高于一龄鱼外 ,其余氨基酸的含量几乎都低于一龄鱼 ,且它们的组成比例较接近 ,在非必需氨基酸中 ,一龄鱼、二龄鱼均以谷氨酸的含量为最高 ,分别占非必需氨基酸的 2 6 .5 4%和 2 6 .6 9% ;在脂肪酸的组成上 ,二龄鱼的单烯酸的含量都比一龄鱼高 ,尤其是C18∶1含量比一龄鱼高 12 .2 3 % ,而饱和脂肪酸、多烯酸的含量则一龄鱼比二龄鱼含量高 ,尤其是DHA的含量比二龄鱼高 4.43 % ;在测定的 14种矿物元素中 ,二龄鱼的Ca、Zn的含量明显高于一龄鱼外 ,其余元素的含量略低于或接近一龄鱼。
The biochemical composition of one year old (weight: 40-80g) and two year old Fugu obscurus (weight: 200-300g ) cultured in ponds was studied. The results showed the content of crude protein of two year old fish was lower than that of one year old, but the content of crude fat is higher than that of one year old obviously. Among essential amino acids, the level of lysine and arginine of two year old fish were apparently higher than that of one year old, the contents of the other amino acids are all lower than those of one year old, and their component rates were similar. Among non essential amino acids, glutamic acid content is the highest in both one year and two year old fish, which is 26.54% and 26.69% respectively. The contents of monounsaturated fatty acids of two year old fish are higher than those of one year old, especially the C 18∶1 which content of two year old fish increased by 12.23%. But the contents of saturated and highunsaturated fatty acids of one year old fish are higher than those of two year old, especially the DHA which contents are 12.86%, 8.43% respectively. Among the 14 measured mineral elements, the contents of Ca、Zn of two year old fish are obviously higher than those of one year old, the contents of the other elements are lower than or almost close to those of one year old fish.
Journal of Fisheries of China
江苏省科学应用基础项目! (BJ970 87)