
互联网产业驱动下的著作权规则变革 被引量:77

The Revolution of Copyright Rules under the Internet Industry
摘要 互联网产业与版权产业的分离,使两者在传播效率与许可效率的需求上出现差异。著作权法作为以保护版权产业为初衷的制度工具,在维护许可效率时忽略了对传播效率的合理考量,使其既无法满足互联网产业的需要,也难以解决版权产业的新问题,导致各方通过私人创制的著作权规则来维护各自的产业利益。私立著作权规则以许可合同调整法定权利配置,使产业主体得以根据自身需要对传播效率与许可效率加以取舍。为适应互联网产业模式的兴起,一方面应发掘私立著作权规则的制度优势,并承认其合法性;另一方面在保留既有法定权利体系的前提下调整权利类型及其限制方式,以配合私立著作权规则的运作。 As the internet industry has been separated from traditional copyright industry, they appear to have different measures on dissemination efficiency and licensing efficiency. As an institutional tool to protecting copyright industries, copyright law ignores the importance of dissemination efficiency at the time of maintaining permission efficiency, which makes the copyright law is able neither to satisfy the requirements of the internet industry nor solve the new issues in copyright industry. Therefore, both internet industry and copyright industry turn to adopt private copyright rules to support their own interests. Private copyright rules, which composed by several kinds of copyright licenses, can adjust copyright entitlement to have a tradeoff between dissemination efficiency and licensing efficiency based on different industry mode. In order to adapt the rise of internet industry, it is necessary to explore the institutional advantages and clarify its legality on the one hand, but on the other hand to adjust the types of right and restriction models in order to coordinate the operation of copyright law.
作者 熊琦
出处 《中国法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期79-90,共12页 China Legal Science
基金 国家社科基金项目"产业利益博弈与著作权集体管理制度变革研究"(项目编号:13CFX091)的阶段性成果
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