声反馈现象是扩声系统中一个较为严重的现象,将自适应系统辨识理论应用到声反馈抑制系统中,采用Matlab/Simulink工具,通过LMS自适应滤波器搭建声反馈抑制模型进行仿真分析。结果证明,在前置路径中加入适度延迟可以有效降低自适应滤波器对声反馈路径估计的系统参数估计偏差,系统参数的集总相对偏差可以降低10dB左右,系统扩声增益可提升17 dB左右。
Acoustic feedback is a serious problem in sound reinforcement system. The adaptive system identification theory is applied to acoustic feedback reduction system in this paper. A LMS - based adaptive filter is used to build such a mold under Matlab/Simulink. It is shown that by the use of a delay in the forward path of the system,the adaptive filter can estimate the acoustic feedback path more accurately. It is possible to reduce the bias by about 10 dB and to enhance the system PA gain by about 17 dB.
Audio Engineering