

Application of Deformable Mirror on Scenic Illumination
摘要 由于变形镜可以看作纯相位器件 ,而且相位在控制信号下可变 ,所以将其用在成像光学系统 (如舞台照明光学系统 )中 ,可灵活快速地以较高光能利用率实现光波波面的改变进而得到指定的光斑图样。本文就此叙述了变形镜面形的设计 ,以得到指定形状的光斑。 If deformable mirror is applied to imaging optical system, such as scenic illumination, change of wave front will be implemented and specific facular pattern can also be fleetly achieved under high light utility ratio, because deformable mirror can be regarded as full phase device and the phase can be controlled by voltage signal. This paper discusses the design of deformable mirror in order to obtain special facula.
作者 陈珂 赵达尊
出处 《照明工程学报》 1999年第4期38-42,共5页 China Illuminating Engineering Journal
关键词 舞台照明 空间光调制器 变形镜 二元光学 scenic illumination spatial Light Modulator deformable mirror diffractive optics
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