根据固体颗粒在流化床中的燃烧特性提出了碳质量燃烧率、挥发份质量析出率和颗粒总质量燃烧率等概念 ,用以描述某一粒度燃烧颗粒任意时刻的燃烧效果。用桦甸油页岩进行流化床燃烧试验 ,给出了三个质量速率随时间变化规律。
A set of concepts is presented after carbon combustion quality efficiency η c in fluidized bed combustion(FBC) from S.C.Saxena.i.e. Devolatilization Quality Ratio η v and combustion quality efficiency of solid fuel particles η rsq in FBC. A Φ30×300mm electric heating fluidized bed combustor has been used to test solid fuel,an oil shale,combustion quality in FBC.The results shows that,1.The set of concepts could give combustion quality efficiency of solid fuel particle at anytime in FB,which could be used to seeking for optimum combustion conditions.2. η c and η v have effects for different particlesize,during 20 th to 30 th seconds after the hot fluidized receives the particles,the values of η c for larger and smaller particles size change their levels which shows that porosity and mass transfer play an important role in the solid particle fluidized bed combustor in this period.3.Heat release ratio of volatile matter to char has changed every second for testing material,but is not as sharply as coal.4.It seems that the oil shale used here is hard to get perfect combustion since after 420 seconds combustion,it still has about 10% combustable material in particle as show in η tsq curve.
Journal of Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering
fluidized bed combustion
oil shale
combustion efficiency