
浅谈颈椎后纵韧带骨化症的手术治疗 被引量:3

Surgical Treatment of Ossification of the Cervical Posterior Longitudinal Ligament
摘要 颈椎后纵韧带骨化(OPLL)是一种由于后纵韧带异位骨化导致脊髓和神经根受压而产生的疾病,其病因尚未明确。手术治疗是一种有效的治疗手段,但是手术时机的选择仍充满争议。手术方法根据手术入路可分为颈前路、颈后路和前后路联合入路手术。内固定及融合方式也很多,即使同样的手术入路,也有多种不同的内固定及融合方式可供选择。不同的手术方法有不同的适应证和优缺点。本文就颈椎后纵韧带骨化症的手术治疗进行综述。 Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament is a heterotopic ossification from the posterior longitudinal ligament, and its etiology is not yet clear. Surgical operation is an effective treatment, but the timing of surgery is still contro versial. There are 3 surgery approaches: anterior approach, posterior approach and combined anterior--posterior ap proach. There are a variety of different methods of internal fixation and bone graft fusion, even the same approach has different methods of fixation and fusion. All the surgical ways have merits and faults. This article attempts to summarize the surgical treatment of ossification of the cervical posterior longitudinal ligament.
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2013年第11期62-64,71,共4页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
关键词 颈椎 后纵韧带骨化 减压术 外科 cervical vertebrae ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament decompression surgical
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