
微生物全基因组测序组装中的gap填补方法 被引量:1

Method of Gap Filling in Microbial Sequencing Whole Genome Assembly
摘要 目的:研究和开发高通量测序全基因组组装过程中的填补gap的方法。方法:研究组装软件的算法,使用Perl语言编写自动填补gap的程序,并建立全基因组组装的流程。结果:提出了填补gap的末端延伸法,并使用Perl语言进行了编程;在对立克次体高通量测序的组装过程中,这些方法能大大减少gap的数量。结论:本研究提出的末端延伸法能够高效填补全序列组装过程中出现的gap,具有很强的实用性。 Objective: To research and develop gap filling method of high-throughput sequencing genome assembly. Methods: Learn the algorithms of the available assembly software, then write an Perl program to fill the gaps automatically and create a process of whole-genome assembly. Results: In this study we propose end-extending method, which had been written in Perl program, to fill the gap. In the Ricketsia assembly process, gaps can be greatly reduced. Conclusion: The method presented in this study can effectively fill the gaps during the whole gehome sequence assembly, with high practicability.
出处 《生物技术通讯》 CAS 2013年第6期819-821,共3页 Letters in Biotechnology
关键词 测序 组装 gap填补 sequencing assembly gap filling
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