
最短路径方法在土地定级中的应用 被引量:30

The Application of the Shortest Path in Land Grading
摘要 探讨了将图论中的最短路径理论应用于城镇土地定级 ,并灵活应用最短路径算法计算某类定级因子到评价单元的实际距离 ,然后根据距离衰减公式计算该类因子对该评价单元的作用分值 ,通过评价单元上各类因子的作用分值叠加 ,求出该评价单元的土地级别 ,使得城镇土地定级更加科学合理 ,城镇土地级别范围也更加精确 ,更加符合客观实际。 The grade of land in the city zone is affected by nature and society position plus communication condition.The process of land grading is to get the fixed quantity of all conditions and to classify all the land parcel to be evaluated。It is important to get the effect value from that the evaluated land parcel is affected by the grade factors in the process of land grading.Same type factors' effect attenuates with the increase of distance between grade factors and evaluated land parcel.The attenuating rule is called distance-attenuating formula.Traditionally,the distance between grade factors and evaluated land parcel is the length of spatial line from the center of factors to the center of the land parcel when the effect value of grade factors is calculated.It ignores the obstructions between grade factors and evaluated land parcel.So the graphs that effect value is represented are a series of contour lines with attenuating effect value.In people's custom thought,the distance from here to there is the distance along the road instead of the spatial distance.So it is more reasonable to use the distance along the road than to use the spatial distance in land grading.In this paper,the shortest path method in graph theory used in urban land grading is discussed.The distance between grade factors and evaluated land parcel is calculated by the shortest method.The effect value of grade factors in each unit is gotten by the distance_attenuating formula.Based on the value,the more reasonable land grade of each unit can be reached.
出处 《武汉测绘科技大学学报》 CSCD 2000年第6期510-515,557,共7页 Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University
基金 国土资源部示范工程资助项目!(990 35 )
关键词 土地定级 最短路径 信息系统 作用分值 land grading shortest path information system effect value
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