拟建的雅攀路南段沿线发育了一系列特征类似的滑坡 ,即堆积物沿下伏昔格达组顶面或层面滑动的滑坡。特殊的地层岩性条件是滑坡产生的基本因素 ,地下水活动及河流侵蚀是其诱发因素 ,人类活动是其强化因素 ,地震活动是其潜在诱因。公路的修筑将影响滑坡的稳定性 ,施工中应采取相应措施。
South section of the projected Ya′an-Panzhihua highway is characterized by the development of a series of similar landslides which are originated from interlayer slide between the Quaternary accumulation and the Tertiary Xigeda Formation. Landslides are induced from special lithology, underground water and fluvial erosion as well as human activity and earthquake. Construction of the highway will affect stability of the landslides.
Acta Geologica Sichuan