
“数据解读卡”文献阅读法在医学研究生文献阅读能力培养中的作用 被引量:1

The Roles of Data Interpretation Card in Training the Graduate's Abilities of Reading Papers
摘要 阅读文献可以促进学生了解科学发现的过程,有利于提高学生解读实验数据的能力,培养科学研究兴趣,是基础医学教学过程中必不可少的环节。因此,有必要探索一些引导和训练学生高效阅读文献的方法。该研究旨在通过"数据解读卡"文献阅读法来引导和规范医学研究生阅读文献的过程,通过分析学生在文献文本和图片上阅读时间分配的动态变化、测试学生文献解读技能和实验设计能力以及调查学生满意度来评价"数据解读卡"文献阅读法在培养和提高医学研究生解读实验数据的能力中的作用。结果表明,"数据解读卡"文献阅读法能明显提高图片相对阅读时间,从第1周20%左右逐步提高到第12周45%左右;学生解读实验数据能力得分从第1周0分左右提高到第6周3分和第12周4分左右;平均86%左右的学生认为有利于提高文献阅读的效率和有助于论文写作。该研究结果表明,"数据解读卡"文献阅读法可以规范和训练研究生阅读文献的能力,是提高学生阅读文献效率的有效途径。 Reading paper can promote students to understand the process of scientific discovery, improve students' ability to interpret the experimental data, and develop scientific interest. This is the essential part of the process in the basic medical science teaching. Therefore, it is necessary to guide and train students to read primary paper by some efficient methods. In this study, "Data Interpretation Card" was applied to guide and standardize the process of graduate students to read primary paper. Subsequently, the effects of "Data Interpretation Card" were assessed through dynamic changes of reading time spent on images by students, testing the ability of students' in- terpretation and experimental design capabilities, and surveying students' attitude to "Data Interpretation Card" literature reading method. The results showed that the "Data Interpretation Card" can significantly increase relative reading time from 20% in the first week gradually to about 45% in 12 weeks, and enhance interpreting experimental data and experimental design capabilities. Moreover, about 86% of the students agree or stongly agree that this method can help them to develop reading habits and improve the efficency of reading primary paper. This study suggests that "Data Interpretation Card" can standardize and train the ability of graduate students to read primary paper, and is a promising appoach to improve the efficiency of reading primary paper.
作者 龚爱华 金洁
出处 《中国细胞生物学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期1832-1836,共5页 Chinese Journal of Cell Biology
基金 江苏大学教学改革项目资助(批准号:1201270005)资助的课题~~
关键词 文献阅读 数据解读卡 细胞生物学 reading primary paper Data Interpretation Card cell biology
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